
Which Animals Are Likely To Be Carriers Of Rabies

Minnesota has had 27 confirmed reports of rabies in animals so far in 2017 — less than one-half of the 55 cases that were reported in 2016, according to the Minnesota Department of Health.

Only Minnesotans, whether they live in rural or urban areas of the state, need to remain vigilant about how to protect themselves from a rabies-infected animal — and what to do if any animate being bites them, health officials warn.

"Although the number of infections in the United States has decreased significantly over the years, the virus is still nowadays and it is deadly," said Courtney Wheeler, a senior veterinarian with the Minnesota Board of Animal Health, in an interview with MinnPost.

A preventable expiry

The rabies virus is spread through the saliva of an infected animal, nearly ever as the issue of a bite. The virus enters the nerves at the bite wound and so travels to the central nervous system (the spinal string and encephalon), where it multiplies. In one case it reaches the fundamental nervous system, the virus is about always fatal.

Fortunately, a vaccine exists that can keep the virus from spreading beyond the bite wound. Merely it must be administered soon after the injury has occurred.

In the United States, one to five people dice of rabies each yr. Minnesota hasn't had such a death since 2007, when a 46-yr-old human in Monticello failed to seek immediate medical care after being bitten past a bat in his cabin.

Rabies deaths are rare in the U.S. cheers to the widespread utilise of preventive vaccines in domestic animals, comprehensive animate being command and public sensation efforts. Globally, however, the illness claims an estimated 59,000 lives each year, mostly in Africa and Asia. Half the deaths occur in children under the age of fifteen.

For that reason, public health officials have declared today "World Rabies Solar day."

Two main culprits

"Any animal that has been infected with the rabies virus has the potential to pass it on to humans," said Wheeler.

The animals most likely to be carriers of the rabies virus in Minnesota, even so, are bats and skunks, she added. Of the 55 confirmed cases of animal rabies in the state last year, 37 involved bats and 10 involved skunks. Cattle (4), cats (2), foxes (1) and horses (1) made up the residual of the cases.

The 27 confirmed cases this twelvemonth have involved 15 bats, eight skunks, one cat, 1 play tricks and one raccoon, said Wheeler.

When livestock and domestic pets in Minnesota develop rabies, it is often due to being bitten by an infected bat or skunk. This past summer, a horse in Benton County and a kitten in Pennington County were diagnosed with rabies. The owners of both those animals recalled seeing a skunk on their property a calendar week or two before the animals began showing symptoms.

In August, a expressionless Stearns County raccoon was found to have rabies — the starting time raccoon to examination positive for the virus in Minneosta since 1993.

"Just the raccoon was actually infected with a skunk variant of the virus," said Wheeler.

Rabid animals by Minnesota county, 2016

Source: Minnesota Section of Health

Rabid animals by Minnesota county, 2016

'Furious' vs. 'impaired'

Nigh people believe that animals with rabies will drool, appear highly aggressive and agitated, and attack at the smallest provocation (or at no provocation at all). But that type of infection — dubbed "furious" rabies by the professionals — is nowadays in only some animals. It's also quite common for animals with rabies to appear quiet, disoriented, shy and easily outgoing — a course known every bit paralytic or "dumb" rabies.

For that reason, no one should approach an unfamiliar or wild animal, even if it looks "tame," said Wheeler. (Be certain to teach your children this rule, likewise.) And if an animate being is acting strangely, call your local beast control.

More preventive actions

Wheeler and her MDH colleagues recommend these boosted precautions:

  • Keep dogs, cats, ferrets and horses vaccinated for rabies.
  • Vaccinate cattle and sheep if feasible.
  • Proceed stray animals and wildlife, especially skunks and bats, abroad from pets and livestock.
  • Exercise not attract wild or devious animals to your dwelling or yard.
  • Do not keep wildlife as pets.
  • Hunters and trappers should avoid animals exhibiting abnormal behavior.
  • Never leave children alone with any fauna.
  • Bat-proof your home.
  • Avoid contact with dogs and cats while traveling, especially internationally.

Finally, if an beast — any animal — bites you, "flush the wound with soap and water and then go encounter a doctor," said Wheeler.

Don't wait until symptoms announced. By and so, it may be too late.

FMI: For more than information nigh rabies, become to the Minnesota Section of Wellness's website. The section also encourages Minnesotans to contact them at 651-201-5414 with whatever questions or concerns regarding creature bites or exposures to bats.


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